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Terms & Conditions

Privacy & Confidency Policy   
Food Body Intelligence ABN 28 459 265 258


This Privacy Policy sets out my commitment to protecting the privacy of your personal information collected through this website or directly from you. Please read this Privacy Policy and contact me if you have any questions.  If you do not wish to provide personal information, you do not have to do so.  However, it may affect your use of this website or any products and services I offer.


By law, I am required to maintain accurate, comprehensive and up to date client records.  All client information I collect will be with your consent as outlined on the pre-consultation form.  Information collected is private and confidential and a duty of confidence between client and practitioner will be maintained.  Client records and personal information will be securely stored. The only exception to disclosure of information is if the information is subject to court order or tribunal or if there is a serious and identifiable risk to the client or to a third party.


To unsubscribe from Food Body Intelligence e-mail database, or opt out of communications, please send an email with 'unsubscribe' in the subject to: 


Last updated: 7 January 2020.

Payments & health fund claims

Consultation fees are outlined under the 'Consultations' menu tab. 
Payment is to be made at the time of your appointment


Private Health Fund Claims:

As a Clinical Nutritionist accredited with ATMS, (ATMS Member number ATMS51117)
I am an approved complementary medicine provider with the following private health funds: Medibank, NIB, AHM, Australian Unity.  A rebate may only be claimable with the appropriate level of health cover. It is the responsibility of the client to check eligibility for a health fund rebate with your health fund provider. 



If you need to cancel an appointment, please provide a minimum of 24 hours notice, so that your time-slot can be allocated to another client. 

My commitment to you

As a nutritionist I provide nutrition related health advice that is within my scope of practice. Referrals to alternate health practitioners such as medical doctors may be suggested if deemed necessary. Further testing such as blood tests or food intolerance tests and supplements, if seen necessary, will be recommended and ordered only on your acceptance. 

Food Body Intelligence


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Mobile: 0425 264 197


181 First Avenue, Five Dock, NSW 2040

Zoom consultations available

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